i know, i know...Merry Christmas!
just for the record, i know--as some of you have so kindly pointed out--that i've only posted 2 times in 3 weeks (or however long it's been). also for the record, i'd like to remind everyone of the first paragraph in my first post. one day, though, posting will be more convenient, and then, ideally, i'll do it more often. i've actually had intentions of posting a couple times and had valuable things to 'say.' never got there though...oh well.
i was thinking about Christmas today and singing a song i never sing--a Point of Grace song (i know...the horror): "oh Emmanuel, God with us, Spirit revealed in us that we may be your hope to the world." something about Emmanuel, God with us, became more real to me today.
God is with me.
The sweet, little Jesus boy (so the song says), Lamb of God, Lion of Judah, and Eternal King is with me! That's almost unbelievable.
i love Christmastime. this year has been a little interesting for my family; so many things have happened. in the middle of all these things, God is still Emmanuel; he is still with us. what a treasure!
so to all of you out there who are reading this (i think there's like 4 of you), i wish you the merriest of Christmases, despite any less-than-friendly circumstances in your life. i wish you much growth in the coming year. and i wish you truly to sense Emmanuel with you always.
i'm mot really anonymous but you know who i am
all i do is try to love people and this is the thanks i get! thanks sooo much 4 doggin' my team, mister singles leader! i hope you can sleep better knowing my image of you is shattered. i looked up to you for guidance, direction, and leadership. Now you've gone to far i don't know if we can be friends after the severe blog lashing you gave and humiliated me 4 the whole world!
I was really blessed by this blog Sammy. That POG song is my fav from their Christmas album, I've always loved the words to it, and I loved your insight to it. I pray you have a very Merry Christmas my friend. Love you very much!
Just for the record, I would like to point out how many times you said "for the record" in this post...2... and for the record, I would like for you to remember from whom you picked up that line: Tammy Lee aka Lady Bug aka Canada aka Tamo.
Love you!
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