4 years, 3 moves, 2 engagements and a forgotten password later
It's funny how all at the same time, 4 years can seem so long ago, yet only a few breaths away...
It's even funnier how 4 months feels much the same way. Brittany and I have been married almost 5 months. I wonder, "How has it already been 5 months?" And then my next thought is usually, "I can't imagine my life not married." It's crazy to think that 6 months ago, I was a single man. I've said a couple times over the past few days, "This is more than I signed up for!" But I wouldn't have it any other way. That girl drives me crazy, and I love her all the more for it!
Far too much life has happened in these 4 years to detail now. I'm sure it will weave it's way into posts to come. That's the way life should be anyway--constantly building on the former things, being shaped - hopefully - into something so much greater than any one individual or experience--being changed from glory to glory. It's thoughts like that that make me wonder how much life I've built and how much I've let pass by...
Well... Here's to her...

And here's to having something to say...
You forgot to mention that without me, you would've lost your password FOREVER!!!
love you!
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