Through and through, I'm a city boy. I'm married to a small town girl, so I get to experience small town life a day or two at a time. A day or two at a time may be all I can handle.
Our most recent escapade was to the wedding of 2 friends in Mooreland, OK. My wife graduated from there and the high school literally has only one very short hallway of classrooms. The wedding was in Mooreland, but we stayed the night with Britt's grandparents in Woodward. My wife says Woodward is Mooreland's "big town," and she's right. In comparison, it's pretty much a booming metropolis.
In Woodward, Jim (our Colorado friend) and I hung out with the groom, groomsmen, and ushers, most of whom were staying at the Northwest Inn. It's an older hotel, but it's got a comfortable atmosphere. The inside atrium is a huge open space that included a pool, lounging areas, work out room, etc. It's rustic and small town.

So... if I'm a weary traveler driving through and needing a place to stop for the night, that's a pretty inviting sign. It reminds me that I'm in northwest Oklahoma and makes me wonder if my room will be strewn with 18k gold leaves from that tree. What's more? Complimentary breakfast! I'm sold!

I'm not sure I know what "complimentry" means? I'm an educated man, and it's safe to assume the hotel manager's intention is to use this marquee to offer me free breakfast for renting a room. Doing my best to look past this blatant misspelling, something still is not right...

That's right... It's not a "complimentary" breakfast... It's not even a "complimentry" breakfast... It's a "compliment-p(with a scribbled-marker tail)-y" breakfast. Sounds appetizing!
Today's moral: Some people in this world should not use "big" words. Confucius once said, "It is better to say, 'FREE CEREAL' (and not show your ignorance) than to advertise "COMPLIMENT-P(with a scribbled-marker tail)-Y BREAKFAST." Note taken...